As promised, here is the story of Austin's gift to me:
The PTA at Austin's school puts on Santa's Workshop every year for the kids to go shop for their family. I remember how excited Patrick, Emily, and Sarah used to get when it came time to shop and Austin is no different. They have tables of inexpensive gifts for the kids to buy ranging from 25 cents up to about $10.00. On the day that Austin's class was to shop I went up to school to pay for his purchases. I have to tell you that there is nothing sweeter than watching second graders pondering the choices before them. They really put a lot of thought into what they're doing. He first shopped for his sisters and brother and Amber. Each gift painstakingly contemplated, reconsidered and finally decided upon. Then he shopped for his grandparents. Oh, how he agonized over these purchases! (I love to see him really considering the hobbies and likes of each person he shops for!) He bought a pretty little resin box for his Dad that had a Mallard on the top of it, "Dad can keep his money in this". He was almost done! This is when he banished me to the corner with orders not to peek. He must have already picked mine out because he didn't take long to pick it up and put it in his shopping bag. We then proceeded to the checkout table. I heard him tell the lady at the checkout that his Mommy was there to pay for everything but that he didn't want me to see what he'd bought for me. She made a big deal out of putting it into a separate bag and stapling it closed telling him that, "Now Mommy can't snoop!". I paid for his gifts and as he was headed back to class he told me to take his purchases home and to put them in his room WITHOUT looking in the bag. I did exactly as I was instructed!
That afternoon when he got home he immediately started asking me if I wanted to open my gift. I told him that I absolutely did NOT want to open my gift. I explained how I liked surprises and would wait just like everyone else for Christmas morning to open it. He was relentless in his pressure for me to open it. I was just as relentless in my refusal. A few hours later he comes into the room with something behind his back and quickly revealed the above little pink fuzzy box. He couldn't stand it another second! After a gentle scolding for trying to ruin my surprise I gushed about how beautiful the box was. He, of course, wanted me to open it right away. I told him that the box was so beautiful that it would be just perfect as it was and that it didn't need to have anything inside. That's when his eyes got huge and he said, "Mommy, if you think the box is pretty, just wait till you see what's inside of it, it's sooo beautiful you won't even believe it." At moments like this it feels as though every planet in the universe has aligned to make the world a perfect place. The excitement on his face with the anticipation of giving me, his very flawed mother, the "most beautiful thing he'd ever seen", was one of those times that every mother on earth cherishes. He was a true gift giver. He was truly feeling the emotions of "tis better to give than to receive". Oh, my precious boy!
I was firm, however, in my resolve to wait till Christmas monring some two weeks away. One of the biggest thrills of my Christmas is to watch him handing out his gifts to everyone on Christmas morning. Everyone is excited to see what he's come up with. We all delight in watching him smile as each person opens up their gift. He's so proud!! I saved mine for last and opened it slowly as he watched me. Here is what was inside...
Now I ask you, is this not the most beautiful ring you've ever seen in your entire life? He was quick to remind me that it was my "brithstone". Imagine him knowing that!! I prayed that it would fit and it did (thanks to the little adjustable band). I slipped it on my finger and I don't think I've ever felt such pride in a ring in my whole life. He beamed! It fit! I later asked him if he would mind if I put it on the chain of my necklace so it wouldn't get ruined. "No", he didn't like that idea. So, I wore it on my finger. I can't wear it all the time because it's of such a precious metal that I am afraid that I'm going to bend it or ruin it. You know how some things you just have to save for "special"? Well that's how I feel about my beautiful "ruby" ring. Am I not the luckiest Mommy on earth?
The following two pictures are of Mam and Grandpa (my mom and dad) getting their gifts from Austin. Look at the smileon his face as Mom is telling him how much she loves his gift. Priceless I'm telling you, priceless!