Austin was doing his homework on my bed last night while I was reading in the corner of the room. I looked up to check on him and thought it was one of the cutest scenes I'd seen in a while. So I did what any mother worth her salt would do; I grabbed my camera sitting beside me and I snapped a picture! I know he's mine and I know that I'm a tad bit biased, but come on - is this not adorable? What you can't see so much is how his tongue is sticking out a little bit. I've always said that if my boys didn't have tongues they'd never be able to think. Whenever they're writing or are in deep thought working on something, their tongues are always sticking out.
Austin has a hamster named Sydney in his room. Tucker is absolutely fascinated by the strange creature in the funny plastic box. Whenever we can't find him, it's a sure bet that he's sitting stone still in front of Sydney's cage looking just like this:
Every once in a while you'll hear a little whimper from him but for the most part he just sits and stares. I wonder what is going through his mind? I have known him to sit just like this for as long as an hour. I sure hope Sydney doesn't manage to escape her cage.
When Sarah Kate got married we had an extra bedroom in our house. Not one to let such an opportunity pass me by, I quickly moved Austin to Sarah's old room and took over his room for my scrapbooking room. This has been such a dream for me! I can go in there and work and make a mess and not have to clean it all up every time I want to scrapbook. I can mess to my hearts content and then walk out and shut the door. I believe everyone should have such a room, whether you scrapbook or not! Here it is in all it's messy glory!
They say that "she who dies with the most paper wins". I'm working on it!