Thursday, May 11, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

I love this picture, so I just had to use it here 'cause he's so stinkin' cute!!

Among my most treasured posessions are the handcrafted gifts made for me over the years by my children. As they grew older and the handcrafted gifts ceased coming, I loved the things that they would write to me inside of greeting cards. When Austin came into my life I began to look forward to the little things he would make me in day care and school. Now that he is a big first grader and can read and write the gifts begin to take on even more value to me. There is nothing more precious than a child's sentiments written in their own handwriting and misspelled words make them more the dearer to me.

Mother's Day is Sunday and I have just received my gift from Austin. I worked very late last night so Daddy got him on the bus this morning. He left me a little note trail to find my gift. On the table in the family room he left me a note directing me to go to a different table in the house to find my present. Once there I found the cutest handmade card you ever saw with flowers all over it, wishing me a Happy Mother's Day. But my most favorite gift was a piece of paper with M O T H E R printed down the left side. He made an acronym. I'm going to duplicate it here with the spelling he used:

My Mommy is nice

Old Mommy but nice and funey

Truly funey

Happy mothers day

Ecentric Mom!!

Red flowers are her favorite

I wouldn't take a million dollars for this work of art (he colored diagonal rainbow colors all across it).

And to think that I didn't think he had noticed that I was older than his friend's mothers!!! I asked him when he got home about the word "ecentric". "Austin, do you know what this word means?" "Yes, Mommy, it means crazy!" And then he laughed. And I laughed. Then we had the nicest cuddle and hug.

Mother's don't need gifts on Mother's Day. The  four wonderful people that made me a mother are the greatest gifts in the world.


Anonymous said...

a wink and an "amen"......the greatest treasures a parent can receive, are the ones that are locked in their hearts!     Happy Mothers day!   Marc :)

Anonymous said...

What a GREAT card he made you, and I agree, our kids are the best gift of all.  Happy Mother's Day!

