Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Now, I ask you, is this not one of the cutest things you've ever seen in your life?  I swear this dog lives to please us. He would sit there with that bone on his nose forever (as long as it doesn't begin to slip) until we say "OKAY!". When we say "OKAY!", he flips it in the air and catches it. It's the cutest little trick. If I ever figure out how to put a video on here I'll show you how he does it. I just printed this picture tonight to do a scrapbook page of him and I thought the internet might like to see it too!

Moving right along from the cutest dog in the world to the cutest little boy in the world. I snapped this of Austin last week after Amber cut his hair and he was showing off his new sporty spike haircut. I have been telling little boys not to play ball in the house for ohhhh about 26 years now. This litter doesn't listen any better than the last one did!!! I often wonder what little boys hear in the heads as they swing those bats at imaginary balls. Heck I wonder what little boys hear in their heads any old time.

When the kids were little and I would ask one of the girls to go do something they would walk normally across the floor and do what I asked them to do with no gratuitous actions. When you ask a little boy to do the same thing they will fight off imaginary enemies on their way, or make imaginary jump shots, or pretend they are skiing down a slippery slope.  It's like they live in permanent parallel worlds and mother's are not allowed to know what goes on in "the other one".

Now a little bit about "the juice"!

There is seldom a day that goes by that I don't talk to someone that we've introduced this juice to that doesn't tell me a story that makes me so happy I want to cry! The one about the horse is my favorite one!

Our good friends Matt and Connie have been neighbors of ours for years. Matt trains thoroughbred racing horses. He has about 10 horses that he trains for other owners and then they have a couple of their own. Well, Connie gave Matt a case of MonaVie and told him to start giving it to the horse they they own. We had no idea how much to give a horse that size but somehow Connie and Matt decided on 66 cc's. So on a Monday, Matt started giving the horse 66 cc's of juice in the morning and 66 cc's of juice in the evening. On Thursday of that same week Connie decided that 66 cc's probably wasn't going to be enough to make a difference considering the size of the horse so she told Matt not to give the horse any more juice. He said he wouldn't. Very early the next morning when Matt got to the track and the girl that exercises the horse every morning brought him back in she said to Matt, "Matt, I don't know what you've done different to that horse, but whatever it is, DON'T STOP!". When he asked her why, she said, "That horse has never wanted to run as bad as he does now." Matt walked right to the phone and called Connie saying, "You know how you told me not to give that horse any more juice? Well, I'm not listening to you!". The following Tuesday they had that horse in a claiming race at Churchill Downs. The horse came in 3rd! Matt says he would have been 1st but he went wide at the turn to get around the other horses because he wanted to run so bad! Unfortunately, someone claimed the horse that night and he is no longer getting his juice. Matt is deciding which horse he's going to try on it next.

My sister-in-law has had hypertension for years. She has been on three blood pressure medicines for a long time and even on medication her blood pressure consistently ran 150's and 160's over the 90's. After one month of drinking the juice she was talking to me on the phone one day and mentioned that she'd been getting dizzy when she stands up. I told her to go right that second and take her blood pressure. Guess what it was? 118 over 67! It's been staying there too! She is going back to the doctor to begin getting off of some of her BP meds. I am so thrilled by that I can't even tell you. All of the medication she is on has horrible side affects and she's going to be able to get off of them!

I ran into a dentist the other day that I'd given a bottle of juice to and he was soo happy to see me. He said he was almost out of juice and he didn't want to run out. WhenI asked him what it had done for me top on his list was relief of pain in his shoulder, ankle and neck. Then he went on to tell me how he doesn't hit the wall at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. He said he has lots of energy and is sleeping much better. He thanked me for sharing it with him.

It is so thrilling to be able to introduce someone to something like MonaVie that is improving their lives. Some people feel these kinds of results immediately, within a matter of days. A few people seem to require two to three bottles of it. I wish everyone could feel it quickly. It's frustrating when they give up after one or two bottles when I know that if they'd just hang in there for another bottle or two they'd be sooo happy they did.

My business has really taken off and there are some very exciting things getting ready to happen with it. Life is fun! If I told you what this business is going to do for me financially in the next six months you wouldn't even believe me. But trust me, it is happening!

Here is a quote I found to leave you with

A rising tide raises all ships.

I don't know who said it, but I like it!  And  baby, my ship is rising!


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