Thursday, April 27, 2006

  Just One Girls Head Noise UK
The world lost a very special person a couple of weeks ago. I haven't addressed it here because honestly, I feel woefully inadequate to honor her in the manner she deserves. I honestly don't think that I've ever known of a person more selfless than Pam. To say that she inspired me would be an understatement. She made me constantly aware of the person that I wished I could be. She was going through hell on earth and managed to find the positive. She loved with her whole heart. I hope and pray that she knew to the very core of her soul how loved and respected she was. She had hundreds if not thousands praying for her. Her prognosis was never good, she knew that and I think everyone else has known that too. My head knew what her chances were. My heart though, just had to believe that if there was anyone in the world that could receive a miracle, it was Pam. Pam's life ended on Easter Sunday. But the miracle that was Pam will live on for a very long time in those of us that came to know her. I will never forget her or the lessons she taught us for the rest of my life.
Pam is beyond our prayers now. But she left two children that she loved with her whole being. My prayers will now be for them. I can't even imagine how bereft they must feel right now. They have Pam's blood pulsing through their veins and they had the fortune of being mothered by her, I have little doubt that her amazing outlook and loving nature will live on in them. As for the rest of us, we must all take what Pam taught us and do our best to live inspired lives. It is the best way I know of to honor her.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a beautiful tribute to Pam.

