Saturday, May 28, 2005

Bachelorette Party

Last night I did something really crazy. I went out with my daughter and her friends for her bachelorette party. I wasn't going to go. I tried every excuse in the book to get out of it. They insisted that I simply MUST be there to witness the mayhem and madness. Bennie's mom was supposed to go too. In fact, one of the reasons I gave in and decided I would go was because she was going. I kind of thought we'd start out with them and make a presentable token appearance and then leave after an hour or so. Well, at the last minute, Bennie's mom wimped out. When I say last minute, I mean last minute. I was dressed and waiting for her and she called to say she was tired and just didn't feel "up to it". Oh yippee, I was thinking I was off the hook. Ha! Think again! My niece calls me and says that she is picking me up. Not to worry, she has to work at 9 am this morning and she would bring me home at a reasonable hour.

We all met at a hotel in the historic district of Covington ( the younguns  would be staying there later). They chose this place because it was in walking distance to the Main Strauss (historical) bar street. When I say a bar street, I mean a bar street. It reminded me of a miniature version of Bourbon Street. Music and people spilling out into the street, sidewalk tables and revelry everywhere. Actually, the crowd wasn't all young people. There were some of my contemporaries around, they, however were with other people their age! I had to look ridiculous hanging out with these young pretty girls. People knew that we were out for a bachelorette party because Sarah was wearing a sash across her body with BACHELORETTE across it and a little silly headpiece saying, "Bachelorette on the Loose" with a small veil in the back. Suffice it to say, we got noticed! They are pretty girls, they would have been noticed no matter what. I was amazed to learn what boys and men yell out of car windows when they see pretty girls walking down the street. Nothing is off limits, it seems. They took it with a grain of salt. I, on the other hand found myself with my mouth hanging open in absolute amazement. I don't get out enough, apparently. So, we finally go into one of the bars. I decided I needed some liquid courage and "loosenerupper". I am NOT a big drinker. I hate the taste of beer. The only drink I like is Long Island Iced Tea. I know, for a nondrinker that's a potent drink.I needed a potent drink. Usually they are so smooth that they go down way too easy. Well, this was the absolute WORST LIIT that I have ever had. It tasted like medicine. I just kept sipping. I got about half of it down and had to throw it away. Horrible, vile stuff I'm tellin' ya. It did, however, have somewhat of the desired affect on me. I felt a little calmer, but still very much a 5th wheel. While standing outside the door to another bar waiting to get in, a youngish man brushed past me. He continued to walk a few steps, then came back, grabbed my shoulders and said, "Nice ass". Well, I had just enough of that LIIT in me that I smiled. Actually, I felt pretty darn good! Woo hoo, old mom had a nice ass! My ego inflation was short lived. When we got into the bar that we had been standing outside of they started playing, LOUDLY, one of my favorite songs. "I will Survive". That is just one of the best songs for a bunch of gals to sing out loud to. And, so, we did. Then, this really cute twenty-something guy walks up to me and says, "Hi, Mom." My nice ass decided it was time to go home.

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