Thursday, November 17, 2005

Well, I set up a space on blogger. I posted a couple of times over there and to tell you the truth, my heart just isn't in it. I'm not sure why, it just isn't.

Everyone has to do what they feel is the best for them. I have those that I read and I will read them no matter where they set up shop. I'm loyal like that. I may post on both for a while until I feel more at peace about a decision. But for now, I'm going to continue with my journal here.  Do I like the ads? No, I don't at all. But, in the grand scheme of things, they don't affect my life or thoughts one iota. I respect everyone's right to choose otherwise, and I hope that those that are leaving J-land will not hold it against those of us that choose not to. I read the journals that I read because I enjoy them. They inspire and entertain me. I don't not read a journal because I don't like the graphics or ads. I won't give those ads the power to determine what I read. I will simply ignore them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel the same about not caring where a journal is located; I'll continue to read you whether you stay on AOL or move to someplace else; it doesn't matter to me!  I'm loyal like that too (I like the way you put that!).

Happy Thanksgiving!

Your friend,
