Thursday, June 15, 2006

"Just living is not must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."
--Hans Christian Anderson
I couldn't agree more!!
Yesterday, I cleaned out the garage. I cannot for the life of me figure out how that place can get so disgusting so quickly. I think I could open a sports equipment store with all the sports paraphanalia out there. If we have one baseball, we have a hundred. I rounded up and corraled three golf bags full of clubs. Then in a back corner I found enough lose golf clubs to outfit at least three more players. I don't play golf. I cannot for the life of me figure out why they need so darn many clubs, but I'm not going to say a word. I don't want to have to explain my scrapbooking room and the need for all the items in there. I figure turn about is fair play.
 Shoes; I think that my guys have some superstition about throwing away old footware. I now have a box full of work boots, tennis shoes, cleats, and snow boots. I did not, however, find my little red garden sloggers that have been missing for about a year.
I found a lot of evidence of mice. Just in case you don't know, I absolutely HATE mice. Judging from the "evidence" I found yesterday, my garage must have been the venue for a mouse family reunion of gigantic proportion. The mice were gone, but I was still shaking when I picked something up (like shoes) thinking that one would run up my arm. Had something like that happened, I wouldn't be alive today to tell the story ( no, really, people you have no idea how much I hate mice).
So, my garage is clean and organized. Not a cob web or mouse dropping remains. I took everything off of every shelf and scrubbed them clean. I not only swept up dirt with a broom, I went over the entire floor with a vacuum cleaner even.
What I've done, actually, is create a monster. ME! I can't stand for a single thing to be out of place or a blade of grass to be on the floor. I've got to get a grip! I think I need to find a support group.
I also need to find a way to let go of a bunch of "stuff". While working out there yesterday, I realized that most of the things that would fall into the category of useless junk, is mine. I would never, however, admit this out loud to a certain male member of this household.
 I have an unusual amount of large empty (but clean!)  coffe cans. I threw them all away the last time I cleaned the garage. Wouldn't you know it, the very next week I need at least 3 of them! So, this time I compromised, I only saved about 6 of them and threw the rest away. (No, I will not tell you how many I threw away!) I could list many other things here that I have deemed "necessary" to hang on to. I think I will just keep that list to myself for now. Suffice it to say that I am prepared for several unimagined emergencys that could require aforementioned "stuff". (My husband has another word for this "stuff"; his word also begins with "s".)
Do you know what the best thing is about having the garage clean? I can now spend all my time before going to work today working out in my flowers with no guilt. Well, okay, I'm a Mom, there is no such thing as "no guilt", but at least the garage chore won't be looming in front of me.


Anonymous said...

LOL...Oh How I remember thoses rearranging the garage, afterall...I did not have the heart to throw out all of those old shoes and sneakers....I just kept lining them in row!

The gargage is clean...for now......enjoy that feeling like you have tidied up your past.......for a new tidying up awaits you down the road....see you there! By the way, those green sloggers..I just found a pair in my shed and couldn't figure out where on earth they came from!
Have a great day!   Marc :)

Anonymous said...

I love that Hans Christian Anderson quote, too!  And I cleaned out my garage a little earlier this spring.  A good thing too, as it would be too hot to do it now.  I save the coffee cans (Yuban) too! LOL!

